Oracle Simulation ASH

This project is maintained by Marcin Przepiorowski

Hosted on GitHub Pages based on the Dinky theme

Welcome to OraSASH project page

Oracle is providing Active Session History (ASH) for Enterprise Edition of Oracle database above version 10g with Diagnostic and Tuning pack. OraSASH is a open source project and it allow DBA's to collect data about active sessions (ASH) and save it in additional repository for future access. OraSASH is using dynamic views available in any release of Oracle database since version 9 and it is supporting Oracle Express, Standard and Enterprise Edition.

New version of OraSASH is available

Newest version of OraSASH is 2.4. This release has some new view based on Oracle AWR and provide more compatibility for queries based on Oracle AWR/ASH. For full list of changes in line 2.4 check change.log file.

Previous OraSASH versions

Version 2.3.1 of OraSASH which contain some small bug fixes (change.log)and it's compatible with XPLAN_ASH with 2 additional dummy views. (see XPLAN_ASH doc for details)